Wednesday, February 01, 2006

I feel more and more these days that we are now the Iron Curtain country– we have become what we feared. It’s all so senseless and sad. I was going to say 'and unnecessary,' but perhaps it is necessary in some perverse way. Everyone who is awake must shut out the fear and just carry on and find intelligent and thoughtful ways to counter this rising ‘insurgency’ of conservative ideology that is killing our country. It’s an ideological ‘War of the Worlds’– our sane world against their insane world.
Within a couple days of 9-11 I had a vivid, vision-like dream about America. I saw a huge, miles-thick, miles-high steel-gray wall spring up instantly all along all its borders, completely sealing it in. Nothing could penetrate it. That wall is clearly in place now, and its strength is the thick, gray, stony silence and dark negativity of rising ignorance and hatred, fomented in service to greed and the lust for power.
Idealogies can be both ridiculous illusions and dangerous realities at the same time. To live in a society that is slowly going mad like this, one has to be– I hate to quote the Bible, but there is a quote that I think fits well– ‘guileless as doves and wise as serpents’– innocent and open-minded, leaving room for hope and the return of love and compassion, but at the same time unflinchingly aware and stripped of any naive notions about the forces that are at hand.