Thursday, April 26, 2007

It's been over a week since I posted, and I debated with myself whether to delete that last post, since I didn't stay on the carrot juice fast. Decided to leave it there, as a gentle reminder that I am human and subject to change and circumstances.
I've been pretty worked up, lately, over the fight to stop the FDA and Codex Alimentarius from ruining our health choices and food supply. Sometimes it seems like a ridiculous battle-- like a fly trying to stop a dinosaur. But there are a lot of us flies, and we're all really irritated and mad, and just maybe we can collectively drive that dinosaur over a cliff.
My spiritual practice has suffered in the process-- it's time to get more balanced by spending more time each day in meditation and silence. I really believe that far more is accomplished in the 'outer' world if that inner well of peace is reached first.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Today is day 1 of another carrot juice fast. I didn't really get that far on the last one, but I'm determined to carry this one all the way to a successful conclusion. There is nothing as transformative as a long vegetable juice fast. It's my number one health insurance program.
I'll allow myself some green tea, and I'll drink lots of distilled water, as well. Spring is here, and this is the optimal time to cleanse and detoxify. I love doing juice, because my energy remains high throughout the fast. In fact, toward the end of most of my juice fasts I've found I had tremendous energy and was able to run and exercise better than ever.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Fasting Journal
Day 14 - 12:45 am
Yes, I know, it's really day 15, but I haven't posted yet, so this counts as day 14.
I got really hungry today and ate a couple meals. Not sure about tomorrow-- I'm feeling like I'd like to go back to juice fasting again, but I'll see how I feel tomorrow. Looking at things on the bright side, I did really well! I did my first spring cleanse really early in the year this year. In the past it's taken me a whole bunch of tries before I got around to doing a long fast. Good for me! Yay!
Tomorrow is Jonathan's and my 19th anniversary. Will get a small bottle of wine and celebrate our magical, mystical, wonderful love story.

Fasting Journal

Day 13 - 11:01 am

I was so busy yesterday that I didn't have time to get online and write. However, it was a good day and I even cooked a dinner for a dinner guest and didn't get particularly hungry.

I discovered that now I really can taste the difference between organic and non-organic juice-- what a difference! It's really pretty shocking. I can't stand non-organic tangerine juice now, and only a week ago it tasted delicious to me. Better start making more money so I can buy all organic.

I'm feeling as though this fast-- which for the past 5 days has been a juice fast-- could go on indefinitely, with occasional days of water fasting here and there when I'm not too busy and can take it easy. I feel absolutely no deprivation or weakness, and I feel more grounded than I do when I'm eating food.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Fasting Journal
Day 11 - 10:17pm
Stayed in all day today due to the blizzard, but I got quite a bit done, concentrating on getting Jonathan's book to the publisher's in the next few days. Lots of little tasks to accomplish before the pre-production can start.
I had diluted tangerine juice and a couple glasses of fresh carrot/tomato juice again, and tonight. . . 2 bananas. Okay, not juice, but that was all I needed, and I'm 'back on the juice' again. I feel like I'm into this for the long haul-- maybe 40 days or more now that I've added juice-- and if I have a piece of fruit once or twice a week it really won't slow down my progress at all. I just want to make sure it doesn't go beyond a piece of fruit once in awhile.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Fasting Journal
Day 10 - 9:04 pm
My fasting journal may be getting boring at this point, as I'm still doing great, drinking the same juices -- well, tangerine instead of orange, not much of a change-- and generally no adverse events or healing crises to spiece things up. Went to the gym today and did qigong, yoga and some step machine, and walked a fair amount. Hardly know that I'm fasting.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Fasting Journal
Day 9
1:48 am

It's day nine of my fast-- and here I thought it was day eight today. Now I really qualify as a space cadet if only my blog record can help me keep track of where I am.
More of the same: diluted orange juice, water, 1 big veggie juice combination-- but I feel wonderful and my body and spirit are beginning to ride the bliss waves and 'walk on the jade pond.' ;-)

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Fasting Journal
Day 8 - 8:46 pm
This decision to add some juicing to my water fast has made all the difference-- I had such a great day today without any energy deprivation. And now that I'm no longer under the strain of water fasting I see the major transformation it's brought about when I look in the mirror. I look quite a bit younger and that little 'thing' I had going with my hip joints-- not pain, but this tiny, almost imperceptable change in my gait-- it's GONE. I'm now able to get back to doing things I need to do. Today, on just a little orange juice and pomegranate juice, I spent 4 hours taking head shots of Jonathan in Boston for his book cover, and grocery shopping in Cambridge. Tonight I have the energy and clarity to put his book chapters into one document along with the required head shot attachments and send them out to the publishing company. And last night-- after my first day of transitioning to juice-- I had beautiful ripply, colorful visions that filled me with peace and joy as I drifted off to sleep. On a water fast I was feeling disconnected from the inner realm, and this was a welcome return.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Fasting Journal
Day 7 - 7:54pm
Well, that settles it! I made the decision today-- and I think it was the reasonable thing to do under my set of circumstances-- to add juice to my water fast-- loosely 50/50. My reasons are practical ones: because Jonathan is blind I have to be able to be up and around to do the shopping, take him places, etc., and unfortunately when I water fast I really need to be resting most of the time. Today I had to go out, and I felt that I needed to stay in bed and rest, so at some point I realized, 'it's okay-- just add some juice and you'll still detoxify and you'll still have lots of energy.' Also, the water fasting was making me cranky at times, and I didn't want to keep subjecting Jonathan to my fasting-induced moods.
I had a little tomato juice and then went out and bought some organic fresh-squeezed orange juice at Whole Foods and diluted it with distilled water. Later tonight I think I'll make a little carrot/beet juice.

Fasting Journal
Day 7 - 11:48 am
Whoa, I think maybe I'll have to take it a little easier today. Most of the fasting experts say to rest and sleep a lot on a water fast anyway, so I guess that is probably the best course to take. At least I slept well last night, for the most part.
Fasting can be boring, for sure, at times. It's hard for an active person to sit and lay around day after day without rebelling.
Ideally I would be on Lovells Island, fasting with sunshine and fresh breezes from the ocean. That was an experience! The fresh air, in particular, helps the fast immeasurably, and the detox seems to go more smoothly. Here in the city, in an apartment with air conditioning (so I can't really open the windows), I don't feel very connected to nature. Still, I'd rather fast even in the city and get the cleansing, healing, and rejuvenating benefits.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Fasting Journal

Day 6

12:16 am

Well, technically it's day 7, but as far as I'm concerned it's still day 6.

Great changes are taking place, even though I don't exactly feel like running a marathon! I've been a little weak all day-- more than yesterday-- yet I'm looking noticeably better. My face looks a lot younger already-- eyes are really white, complexion is glowing and little fine lines are disappearing. (LOVE that.-- Who needs Botox?) It kiils me that women are spending so much money on procedures and products, and they're totally unnecessary and either don't work or are merely temporary cosmetic fixes. Oh well. . . live and let live.

Fasting Journal
Day 5
11:56 am

It's becoming more and more apparent to me that I'm feeling better on this fast than I did on my 14 day fast last summer, and my tongue is all white with no yellow-- which I believe means there are no conditions, just toxins being cleaned up. Today I woke up feeling pretty weak, but rallied as I got up and got moving. The little bit of inertia and discomfort I'm feeling, I have to remember, is so worth it, as I'm adding years to my life and releasing tons of life-sapping toxins from my body.

Last night there were little 'pixies' working on my feet and lower legs -- where a very large portion of toxins are stored -- and I felt restless and had trouble sleeping. I have to just tell myself "This is just what happens; it's part of the process and only a phase. You'll sleep better soon."

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Fasting Journal
Day 4! - 1:26 am
What a fantastic day! I did wake up feeling kind of wobbly this morning, but things got progressively better as the day progressed, and I again took Jonathan to the gym and did shopping and errands, which made me feel even better. Best to keep the blood moving, which gets the toxins moving out of the body.

My raw food books arrived from Living Nutrition today!-- that was a big thrill. The new recipe book is divine, and I was 'devouring' it, enjoying all the wonderful combinations of raw food vicariously, while anticipating actually making them very soon. All of the books-- including Your Natural Diet and Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juices, as well as (maybe especially) the latest issue of Living Nutrition Magazine that came with them, are already blessing me. Of late I have been so concerned and stressed out (okay, freaked) over the future of our food supply, GM food, Codex Alimentarius-- which includes the very strong possibility of all produce having to be irradiated!-- that I contacted a distant healer for help with this issue. Well tonight when I was reading the Living Nutrition Magazine I found so much help, and these issues were addressed by some really wonderful speakers and writers.

Tonight I had plenty of energy to visit my friend Marie for a couple of hours at her house-- she's such a beautiful and loving person that she naturally makes you feel more alive and well in her presence.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Fasting Journal
Day 3
12:44 am
A good day with mild peaks and valleys, energy-wise. I was happy because this time, unlike past water fasts, I didn't get super-weak on the third day, and I didn't feel nauseous. I woke up feeling a little out of it and thought I might just have to rest, but within a couple of hours, after a good shower and making breakfast for Jonathan, etc., I started to perk up and felt almost 'normal.' We went out and I took him to the gym (he's blind-- I like to accompany him places) and then I did shopping for an hour and picked him up and did some grocery shopping with him. I didn't feel cold even though it was barely above freezing out, which I thought was pretty neat! Tonight I did a few things and also rested some and read a fasting article.
I ran into someone today who I hadn't seen for at least a couple years, and he said "You look younger!" Ah, the rejuvenating effects of fasting-- truly miraculous.
Time to go to sleep.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

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Fasting Journal
Day 2 -- 8:47pm
This evening I'm resting a bit and meditating/reading some. Also spent some time on the Internet today. My energy is good and I look forward to tomorrow-- big Day Three.
My thoughts today were on surrendering: surrendering to the process of fasting, to the Way, to goals larger than myself and my limited plans.
Fasting, I almost can say, IS meditation, just as music, for me, is meditation (at least the kind of music I play). I love it because it generates love, joy and peace in such a natural way-- you don't have to strive or reach so hard for them.
Fasting Journal
Day 2
I slept like a baby last night and I hardly feel the effects of fasting today, except that I'm feeling more relaxed and contented. Usually it's day three where I really start to feel the 'heat.' I'm guessing/hoping my body is less toxic this time and I won't have a difficult time tomorrow. Whatever-- I'm going to persevere! I'm going to walk Jonathan to the gym and go on a walk and get some shopping done, and then come home, make dinner, and spend the evening relaxing, doing a little qigong, meditating and reading.
Below are a couple pics of my artwork: The first is the album cover I made for my CD, "Music for the Journey Within," and the second is calleed "Flower Buddha."
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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Last week I received really great news: the Spiritual Nutrition website is going to sell my music CDs! They're putting up a new portal for their products-- targted for early spring, I believe-- and I'm so excited. This is the perfect online site for my music, as so many raw foodists love meditation music.

Now I need to work on getting my music into the hands of film industry people... I need a similar synchonicity to occur there. ;-)
Fasting Journal
Day 2
11:10 a.m.
I slept like a baby last night. I feel wonderful and my energy levels haven't diminished yet at all. Mentally I'm still feeling 'the glow'-- calmer, more focused. Hunger is non-existent so far-- hope that keeps up!
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Fasting Journal
Day Before
10:38 p.m.

I've been preparing for a water fast this past week by having smoothies and fruit. Tonight I had a cup of herb tea with senna in it, and around 11:30 I'll have my 'last supper' of mango/clementine/kiwi smoothie. I will miss the frozen banana pieces I've been eating lately (with a little too much abandon!), but this is good-- it's time and I'm as ready and committed as I ever will be. I plan for this to be a long fasat, but I am sensible enough not to put the number of days in writing, because my body is the final arbiter and it deserves an equal say in determining the length of anything as grueling as a fast. But I really hope I can coax it into going the full distance with me. The purpose of my fast is equal parts spiritual and physical. My 14 day fast last summer was such an intensely satisfying experience on all levels that I'm really looking forward to this experience. More tomorrow. . .

Day 1
Day One 11:47 a.m.
Well, the senna herb tea certainly did its job. I had several eliminations this morning and I'm not hungry at all. Usually the first couple of days are pretty uneventful. I'm really hoping that day three is easier this time, as well-- that's where I've gotten snagged in the past. Day three WILL be easier this time. I'm sure of it. I've been thinking quite a bit lately about whether to rest or engage in some specific forms of exercise every day on this fast. I am still torn: some experts recommend complete bed rest, while others recommend deliberately pushing it when you feel weak in order to get the blood and lymph moving and thus get toxins moving out of the body. In the past I've been pretty inert on a water fast; I may try to do a daily long walk and maybe some qigong. I'm not sure about the walking, but the qigong is something I will try to do every day.

Day 1
As I settled into sleep last night at the beginning of my fast (which began at 12 midnight) I had a little insight that I think will be a major touchstone for me on this fasting journey: When we're flowing with the Current (the Tao, the Spirit...), surrendering to Its wisdom, everything clicks. We still have challenges, but harmony prevails and we know what to do and we are able to persevere. When we're not that connected to the flow, it's as if we're bobbing around in a sea of chaos or confusion and we can easily be led this way and that on the lesser currents and waves of random human circumstance.

Day 1
10:45 p.m.
Wow, this is really nice: Usually it takes me 3-6 days to get into the 'feeling' of fasting-- that unmistakably mellow, soft, loving, flowing kind of energy that envelops you as you move deeper into a fast. But it's been less than 24 hours and I'm definitely feeling it already, and it's a wonderful thing, a distinct energy that I only feel when I fast. I'm usually a little too restless, a little too busy in my mind, with too much background anxiety about what's happening in our world right now. Fasting is like a soothing, calming lotion that pours itself-- almost unnoticed at first, and never in an unbalancing or overly powerful way-- first into and around the edges of your thoughts, and as the fast progresses it deepens sometimes to a point where you're thinking less thoughts or even no thoughts, and that's when it's really blissful. Oh-- and the great thing I notice about fasting, too, is that it doesn't numb me out or make me uncaring or apathetic about 'what is' in the world around me. Fasting has depened my spiritual activism and given me a focus on one or two priorities (for me it's been about promoting peace and protecting the food supply) rather than allowing me to let my head spin unproductively over a litany of things that need fixing in the world.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

February 7, 2007
Day 4 of my juice fast-- feeling really good. Fasting always makes me feel much more serene and focused, as well as energetic. I uploaded 6 full-length cuts from my new music CDs to a website today. The link is www.soundclick/sharrhan, and then you click on 'MUSIC' near the top of the page.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Sharrhan's Universe

February 3, 2007

I started a juice fast last night, and I'm planning on doing 40 days. Might sound like a long time, but I've done this before and it'll be pretty easy. Water fasting is very difficult, but juice fasting is a piece of cake. . . er, actually, it's a lot of carrot juice. No cake!

I'm looking forward to rejuvenating on many levels, losing about 20 pounds, and becoming super-healthy again. Juice fasting always makes my skin glow, too, and frees up lots of energy. Friends are always amazed when I do a long juice fast, that I have more energy for working out and jogging at the END of the fast than I did at the beginning.

Today I had 2 15-oz glasses of fresh carrot juice with a bit of lemon juice added to it for flavor, and a 16 oz bottle of kombucha juice/tea (?) stuff with a bit of grape juice in it for flavor-- all raw and 95% kombucha. I can honestly say I didn't have one moment of hunger or weakness today-- I felt great, in fact.