Wednesday, February 07, 2007

February 7, 2007
Day 4 of my juice fast-- feeling really good. Fasting always makes me feel much more serene and focused, as well as energetic. I uploaded 6 full-length cuts from my new music CDs to a website today. The link is www.soundclick/sharrhan, and then you click on 'MUSIC' near the top of the page.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Sharrhan's Universe

February 3, 2007

I started a juice fast last night, and I'm planning on doing 40 days. Might sound like a long time, but I've done this before and it'll be pretty easy. Water fasting is very difficult, but juice fasting is a piece of cake. . . er, actually, it's a lot of carrot juice. No cake!

I'm looking forward to rejuvenating on many levels, losing about 20 pounds, and becoming super-healthy again. Juice fasting always makes my skin glow, too, and frees up lots of energy. Friends are always amazed when I do a long juice fast, that I have more energy for working out and jogging at the END of the fast than I did at the beginning.

Today I had 2 15-oz glasses of fresh carrot juice with a bit of lemon juice added to it for flavor, and a 16 oz bottle of kombucha juice/tea (?) stuff with a bit of grape juice in it for flavor-- all raw and 95% kombucha. I can honestly say I didn't have one moment of hunger or weakness today-- I felt great, in fact.