Saturday, June 27, 2009

Bizarre! For some reason, 'Blogger' posted 5 copies of my artwork in addition to the original the other day. I don't feel like going to the trouble to try to redo the whole thing tonight, but I guess tomorrow I'll have to delete it and do it over. Strange mistake!
Had a great day-- played music in the subway for 2 hours this afternoon and then rushed off to do my sound monitoring gig from 5:30 till midnight. Not much going on, in terms of performers, because it had briefly rained, so a number of performers went home early. I had a chance to walk down near the river and meditate. Realized again today the massive importance of daily meditation, and why it is the foundation. If prayer is 'talking to God,' meditation is 'listening to God,' and more than that, it is merging with God and dying daily to your little human self and becoming One with the Divine within. Those who are successful at prayer-- great spiritual healers and spiritual masters who show some evidence of power over the elements of materiality and so forth-- are always people who have learned and chosen to live a consecrated life.

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