Wednesday, June 03, 2009

I just saw Wayne "Dire''s latest new age blame PBS extravaganza tonight, entitled... (are you ready?)... "No Excuses." He really sticks it to those of us who aren't naturally equipped and effortlessly endowed with overflowing passion and exuberance for creating massive wealth and success. Zen Slackers don't get much respect from Mr. Dire-- he'd be a great used car salesman. I liked him better when he switched to talking about 'THE TAO' for awhile, but he's clearly back on the 'Abe-Hicks sauce again. He always brings someone on his 'show' who's suffered unimaginably, and lays a great big fat guilt trip on all of us, trying his best to disavow us of our social conscience and common sense.

As you may have guessed, I'm not too keen on this guy. I DO NOT GET why PBS keeps asking him back over and over and over again, to torture us with his misguided teachings.
Like Plastic Jesus and Mr. Smiley Face, he is leading America down the primrose path of self-destruction.

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