Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Recently I discovered an interesting and fun way to get more exercise without the usual resistance I feel to doing it. I have this toddler-like resistance to regimens, and even to devoting a set amount of time to exercise. When I'm at the gym it's not so hard to get into the flow, with all the other people around me exercising, but at home it's another story. So what I've started doing is short bursts (10-15 minutes at a time) of yoga, pilates, qigong and/or cardio exercise... a little here, a little there. It's a totally different feel, and I think I really like it. It appeals to my inner eclectic.
Then tonight I discovered a channel with all kinds of free pilates, yoga, cardio and weight-bearing exercise videos on cable. I tried some of the yoga and pilates, and it was really fun.

1 comment:

WheatgrassYogi said...

I like your 'short bursts' idea. Exercise has always been a problem for me. I try to focus on the results, rather than the moment...just the opposite of what the Spiritual Masters teach. Whatever works...right?....WY