Saturday, June 20, 2009

I'm starting to notice a pattern here! -- I wear purple almost exclusively and I decorate my house with lots of purples and blues, but when I create art or post pictures, I'm often drawn to oranges and very warm colors. Contrast is inevitable and good!
Anyway, I'm feeling renewed and wonderful these last couple of days. I seem to have opened up once again to a clear sense of how natural it is to allow blessings and abundance into my life-- and love, joy, peace, and gratitude!


WheatgrassYogi said...

I see a lot of Purple in your posts. Do you have any Paintings you can show us?....WY

WheatgrassYogi said...

Sharrhan....I see a lot of Purple in your posts. Do you have any Paintings you can show us?....WY

WheatgrassYogi said...

Sorry about that double post. My computer doesn't do right sometimes. It's never me. LOL.