Friday, March 09, 2007

Fasting Journal
Day 3
12:44 am
A good day with mild peaks and valleys, energy-wise. I was happy because this time, unlike past water fasts, I didn't get super-weak on the third day, and I didn't feel nauseous. I woke up feeling a little out of it and thought I might just have to rest, but within a couple of hours, after a good shower and making breakfast for Jonathan, etc., I started to perk up and felt almost 'normal.' We went out and I took him to the gym (he's blind-- I like to accompany him places) and then I did shopping for an hour and picked him up and did some grocery shopping with him. I didn't feel cold even though it was barely above freezing out, which I thought was pretty neat! Tonight I did a few things and also rested some and read a fasting article.
I ran into someone today who I hadn't seen for at least a couple years, and he said "You look younger!" Ah, the rejuvenating effects of fasting-- truly miraculous.
Time to go to sleep.

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