Saturday, March 10, 2007

Fasting Journal
Day 4! - 1:26 am
What a fantastic day! I did wake up feeling kind of wobbly this morning, but things got progressively better as the day progressed, and I again took Jonathan to the gym and did shopping and errands, which made me feel even better. Best to keep the blood moving, which gets the toxins moving out of the body.

My raw food books arrived from Living Nutrition today!-- that was a big thrill. The new recipe book is divine, and I was 'devouring' it, enjoying all the wonderful combinations of raw food vicariously, while anticipating actually making them very soon. All of the books-- including Your Natural Diet and Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juices, as well as (maybe especially) the latest issue of Living Nutrition Magazine that came with them, are already blessing me. Of late I have been so concerned and stressed out (okay, freaked) over the future of our food supply, GM food, Codex Alimentarius-- which includes the very strong possibility of all produce having to be irradiated!-- that I contacted a distant healer for help with this issue. Well tonight when I was reading the Living Nutrition Magazine I found so much help, and these issues were addressed by some really wonderful speakers and writers.

Tonight I had plenty of energy to visit my friend Marie for a couple of hours at her house-- she's such a beautiful and loving person that she naturally makes you feel more alive and well in her presence.

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