Sunday, March 11, 2007

Fasting Journal
Day 5
11:56 am

It's becoming more and more apparent to me that I'm feeling better on this fast than I did on my 14 day fast last summer, and my tongue is all white with no yellow-- which I believe means there are no conditions, just toxins being cleaned up. Today I woke up feeling pretty weak, but rallied as I got up and got moving. The little bit of inertia and discomfort I'm feeling, I have to remember, is so worth it, as I'm adding years to my life and releasing tons of life-sapping toxins from my body.

Last night there were little 'pixies' working on my feet and lower legs -- where a very large portion of toxins are stored -- and I felt restless and had trouble sleeping. I have to just tell myself "This is just what happens; it's part of the process and only a phase. You'll sleep better soon."

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