Monday, March 12, 2007

Fasting Journal
Day 7 - 7:54pm
Well, that settles it! I made the decision today-- and I think it was the reasonable thing to do under my set of circumstances-- to add juice to my water fast-- loosely 50/50. My reasons are practical ones: because Jonathan is blind I have to be able to be up and around to do the shopping, take him places, etc., and unfortunately when I water fast I really need to be resting most of the time. Today I had to go out, and I felt that I needed to stay in bed and rest, so at some point I realized, 'it's okay-- just add some juice and you'll still detoxify and you'll still have lots of energy.' Also, the water fasting was making me cranky at times, and I didn't want to keep subjecting Jonathan to my fasting-induced moods.
I had a little tomato juice and then went out and bought some organic fresh-squeezed orange juice at Whole Foods and diluted it with distilled water. Later tonight I think I'll make a little carrot/beet juice.

Fasting Journal
Day 7 - 11:48 am
Whoa, I think maybe I'll have to take it a little easier today. Most of the fasting experts say to rest and sleep a lot on a water fast anyway, so I guess that is probably the best course to take. At least I slept well last night, for the most part.
Fasting can be boring, for sure, at times. It's hard for an active person to sit and lay around day after day without rebelling.
Ideally I would be on Lovells Island, fasting with sunshine and fresh breezes from the ocean. That was an experience! The fresh air, in particular, helps the fast immeasurably, and the detox seems to go more smoothly. Here in the city, in an apartment with air conditioning (so I can't really open the windows), I don't feel very connected to nature. Still, I'd rather fast even in the city and get the cleansing, healing, and rejuvenating benefits.

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