Sunday, May 31, 2009

I'm feeling great concern for my friend, May, tonight. Her partner, Jon, has the unenviable and unthinkable task of deciding whether to keep her on life support-- she is not doing very well at all. Yet the doctors urge him to wait -- there are certain signs indicating that she is quite cognizant, even though she appears unconscious and her heart rate keeps plummeting to dangerous levels.
Her problems all started 24 days ago with a fairly routine gall bladder problem. One crisis after another led to her being unconscious, and the experts cannot tell her partner why this happened, nor do they know exactly what to do heal her. They really don't know why she is unconscious! I know the hospital has already made at least one mis-diagnosis of pneumonia that caused her to become much sicker and have to go back to the ICU, but now Jonathan and I suspect they may be covering up yet more errors. Well, we likely will never know, so I must just focus on meditating upon her well-being and return to consciousness.
Life is precious!

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