Monday, May 25, 2009

This is so important, vital to both longevity and spiritual evolution:

The reason people can only fare well on a metaphysical and/or raw food path until they hit their 50s or 60s-- at which point they often start to fail or just live nominally and deteriorate at a rate closer to the norm for mainstream society-- is that at this point in life, their chi (life force, prana), which they had naturally stored and used, begins to wane significantly.

The path of hci acivation is vital to sustaning health, well-being and true longevity.

Many raw foodists lose their glow and their health when they get older, because raw food is only part of the process. They are still incomplete.

Similarly, any metaphysicians and practitioners of spiritual healing lose their vitality and well-being and beauty as they approach the 'golden years,' because they have not cultivated the inner elixir of life, and their life force has begun to recede and diminish.

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