Monday, May 25, 2009

I've been on another juice fasting 'journey,' and as always happens on my juice fasts after awhile, I started really tuning in to what's important in my life, and I'm feeling more ready to let go of things that get in the way of my living that life. I made a brief list of the things that are most important for me right now:

1. interior listening

2. periods of silence

3. cultivating good habits

4. making choices based on my highest goals and priorities

5. developing a coherent spiritual practice

6. conscious Surrender

7. sacrificing superficial values and pastimes

8. loving service to others

9. cherishing simplicity, order and harmony

10. practicing patience and poise
Of course, the question is, will I begin to manifest these changes? Inner progress seems so slow sometimes! But as my good friend Jodi often says, "Onward and upward!"

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