Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Once again, feeling so grateful-- I was worried about my friend who is having a major health crisis, and this afternoon I was feeling really frustrated about how I could help her, wishing I had applied myself more diligently in my study and practice of spiritual healing over the past few years. As I lay there meditating, letting these feelings of anxiety and helplessness wash over me, I asked the Universe to help me see how I could help her. Suddenly-- not right away, but within a few minutes-- there was a shift in my consciousness, and I was suddenly seeing the spiritual truth shining Its light into the situation. I perceived my friend's perfect, eternal Being and felt a tremendous release from all the pent-up sadness and fear, into joy and Light. I know now that she can be healed, no matter what the material picture is.

1 comment:

WheatgrassYogi said...

Very interesting Spiritual experiences....WY